Sunday, August 21, 2011

go nuts!

So- my husband is a youth minister. Many of you know that, some of you don't. Some of you still think it's hilarious that I ended up a "preacher's wife". I agree. It's insane. 

This week we took his kiddos (teenagers, they probably hate it when I say "kiddos") to a Richmond Squirrels game. It was SUPER AWESOME. Many of you know I rarely wear shorts. I do laundry even more rarely, which reminds me, I'm supposed to have some in right now. Seriously, I'm AWFUL at laundry. Well, I wore jeans. Anyone at summer baseball games knows this can be awful. Hooray for me! Modesty won out and the weather was so awesome I almost needed a hoodie toward the end of the game. Success #1. Success #2 comes from the fact that sometimes doing summer activities can be sad because people are on vacations and we can't get a group together, but this was a different story. Eight of us went to the game. It was like, the perfect amount. Don't get me wrong, some of our girls couldn't come and I was sad, but it was a solid size for hanging out, funny parking issues in the van, and getting to talk/hang out personally with some of them while others took A MILLION YEARS to get snacks/drinks. They know who they are. :)

The Richmond Squirrels lost the game in a seriously almost-climactic-but-still-anti-climactic 9 innings, but it was awesome to get to know the kiddos better. These pictures are proof that we a) had fun, b) baseball is an awesome sport because it's chill enough to take ridiculous pictures, and c) we learned some hidden "talents". Awesome. 

To the 6 amazing teenagers (well, 5 and one "tween") in these photos: thanks for hanging out. Chris & I had an amazing time and hope that there are many more games/outings/hang-outs to come. I hope you have a fabulous last few weeks of summer (super jealous of the two of you spending a week at the beach) and that we get to hang out more in the fall!

I tried to get a group shot.

Not bad for me holding the camera. Pictures like this make me happy because our teeth look so white. Yup, that's weird.
 This is what happens when you don't like group photos. Sorry, girls. :)
 Intensely watching.

 Hilarious kid.
 It's a trend.
 According to some, this is creepy. I took this photo because this kid was INHALING cotton candy. It was the funniest thing ever. He'd put a huge mouthful in, then lick every. single. finger. Then start over. So funny.

 Siblings are funny. You can see they bear a strong resemblance.

 I did not take the previous or following picture.

 She likes to jump in front of photos. She's also REALLY good at it.

 We stayed for FIREWORKS!

 After all of those terrible fireworks pictures, my husband said, "Did you use the 'Fireworks" setting on the camera?" My response: .....REALLY?!

Thanks for an awesome night, guys!

P.S. **WARNING: Completely unrelated side note** Does the Milo's Kitchen Dog Treat commercial bother anyone else as much as it bothers me? I mean, I'm sure the treats are delicious, homemade, yada yada...but the chick freaks me out. Google "Milo's Kitchen Commercial" if you're not sure. It's so annoying I change channels. Just wondering if anyone else felt the same way. 

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