It's also been one of the craziest years of my life. That's impressive. Truly. I thought nothing would take the cake of 2009. I was, in fact, 100% sure that 2009 was the worst year of my life. It was probably still the worst year I've had in my own head, but 2010 was a real kicker.
The year started with my divorce getting finalized and losing one of the most influential people in my life, Lisa Relaford Coston. Losing those two relationships was, well, beyond huge. It's still unbelievable to me that I won't be able to call Lisa when I have a question or just to catch up on my life. No doubt, she's smiling down on all of us who were lucky enough to be called her students. Then, my grandmother died. It is no secret that our relationship was strained, but losing someone who had been a part of my life forever was very difficult for me to handle. We'd come a long way in the last few years, and still could've been better, but the aftermath of her passing has involved my father being concerned about housing, my father/aunts/sister/cousin going into debt to pay for the funeral costs, and multiple family feuds with my crazy aunt...not really the best-case scenario.
I started dating my wonderful husband this year and that is, by far, the best thing that happened to me. I don't know how to put in to words what his love has done for me and how it has shown me love, not only from him, but from Jesus. Getting divorced did a number on my relationship with Jesus. Getting loved again did a number on it too, sometimes good and sometimes bad. I'm stubborn. I have a super hard time accepting love I think I don't deserve. Truly, my husband has had an amazing impact on me and my heart.
(Side note: I had an amazing roommate this summer. Love you, Jess Colling.)
In July, my mom came back from a cruise. She had a great time (I hated it because she was unavailable for phone calls the whole time- lame), but had dental surgery when she got home. It was hilarious, but a little scary. She was VERY out of it for two days. Then, my stepdad started whining. We were really confused because he said he felt sick but couldn't describe what it was and Mom was on pain killers and we couldn't figure out how to balance it. Then, he got jaundiced while at the dinner theater during a show. They sent him straight to the ER during intermission. Weeks later he was gearing up for surgery, meeting with Chris to grant permission to marry me, and being informed that he had pancreatic cancer. Five months later, after chemo and liquid nutrition, losing 95 pounds, and two weeks in hospice, he's gone. Wow. That's been intense. What a way to end the year. December 31, at around 9:15 p.m., my stepfather died. That's a word combination I still don't dare say out loud.
Needless to say, this first week of 2011, I haven't been too motivated to make resolutions. However, today I got inspired. I watched Nate Berkus and found ways to "transform small spaces" at my house. My husband is motivated to help me clean our house (amazing). AND on one of my favorite photography blogs re-started their Healthy Train. I'm even contemplating joining twitter just to follow the Healthy Train tweets (I initially typed teets and laughed out loud even though it's not the correct spelling). So, I'm thinking of putting that Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred
Super overzealous? Possibly.
I'd also like to keep working on my lesson-planning and get a few weeks ahead this winter/spring as well as start going back to the library to check out some more books. Oh...and did I mention we're trying to paint our entire downstairs (including kitchen cabinets), fix up our sunporch, and paint our stairway? Yes indeed, it could be a very productive year.
Wish us luck!
And next year, please remind me that I don't do New Year's resolutions...
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